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Volume 9, June 2016, Pages 45-59
Tribological properties of aluminum lubricated with palm olein at different load using pin-on-disk machine
N. Nuraliza, S. Syahrullail, M.H. Faizal
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Skudai, Johor, Malaysia
The increased global demand for biofuels has prompted the search for alternatives to edible oils for bio-lubricant production. Today, vegetable oil much desired for its application as lubricant in various application because it is a renewable resources and has high biodegradability compared mineral oil.Thus,this paper presents an experimental analysis on the tribological behavior for aluminum alloy materials under the effect of sliding speed and different loads, where the apparatus pin on disk has been used to study the performance of tribological performance. The experiments had been performed under different parameters, different loads (10N, 50N, 100N), and constant speeds at 3 m/s. This paper evaluates through pin on disc tribotester using hemispherical pin as workpiece material. The test was tested using double fractionated palm olein (DFPO) as lubricating oil. The results show that load 100N show high coefficient of friction compared to 10 N and 50N. Authors found that palm olein has better performance properties in terms of friction reduction (coefficient of friction) and wear resistance (anti-wear properties) at low and high speed. Pin that lubricated with palm olein showed small wear scar diameter compared to the mineral based oil. Therefore, palm olein has possibility to use as a lubricant of mating components.
Friction coefficient; Pin-on-disk; Wear rate; Sliding surface
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