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Volume 15, December 2017, Pages 21-49
Friction and wear behaviour of hypereutectic Al-Si alloy/steel tribopair
under dry and lubricated conditions
Parveen Kumar, M.F. Wani
Centre for Tribology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Srinagar, 190006 India
Dry and lubricated sliding
tribological tests on hypereutectic Al-25Si alloy was performed
using a ball- on- disk configuration at room temperature.
Hypereutectic Al-25Si alloy were prepared by rapid solidification
process under T6 condition. Friction coefficient (COF) and wear rate
of the alloy were measured under different applied loads ranging
from 5–100 N. It is found that the friction coefficient varies with
load, first declines (from 5-50 N), then increases (from 50-80 N)
and then again decreases (80-100 N). The wear rate of the samples of
hypereutectic Al-25Si alloy, first increases and then decreases with
increasing the applied normal load. Hypereutectic Al-25Si alloy
presents higher wear rate at 50 N due to the participation of a
large amount of needle-like precipitates, but shows low wear rate
under high load of 100 N because of the work hardening layer. Worn
surface morphologies were analyzed using optical and scanning
electron microscope (SEM) coupled with an energy dispersive
spectrometer (EDS). The improvements in COF and wear rate were
mainly attributed to morphology, size and distribution of Si
particles due to its fabrication process. The dominant wear
mechanism for hypereutectic Al-25Si alloy was adhesive wear,
abrasive wear and plastic deformation.
Hypereutectic Al-25 Si alloy; Vickers hardness; Tribology; Friction; Wear; Lubrication
Full Text
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